Democratic Party (UK) — Democratic Party has been used as a name by a number of political parties in the United Kingdom. The main users have been: Democratic Party (UK, 1942) Democratic Party (UK, 1969) Democratic Party (UK, 1998) British Democratic Party This… … Wikipedia
Democratic Party — ☆ Democratic Party n. one of the two major political parties in the U.S.: it emerged in the late 1820s from a split in the Democratic Republican Party, which had, in turn, developed from the Republican Party led by Thomas Jefferson … English World dictionary
Democratic Party — The following is a list of political parties whose names (in English) could be translated to Democratic Party or the Democrat(s). Active parties Nation Party Albania Democratic Party of Albania Andorra Democratic Party (Andorra) Anguilla Anguilla … Wikipedia
Democratic party — one of the two major political parties in the U.S., founded in 1828. * * * One of the two major political parties in the U.S., historically the party of labour, minorities, and progressive reformers. In the 1790s a group of Thomas Jefferson s… … Universalium
Democratic Party — Demokratische Partei oder Demokraten ist der Name bzw. die deutsche Übersetzung folgender politischer Parteien: Albanien: Partia Demokratike e Shqipërise Äquatorialguinea: Partido Democrático de Guinea Ecuatorial Australien: Demokratische Partei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Democratic Party — noun the older of two major political parties in the United States • Hypernyms: ↑party, ↑political party • Member Meronyms: ↑Democrat • Part Meronyms: ↑Tammany Hall, ↑Tammany Society, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Democratic Party — The Democratic Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, the other being the Republican Party. After a number of years in the 1890s as the second party, the Democrats gained control first of Congress and then of the … Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era
Democratic Party — Demo cratic .Party n the Democratic Party one of the two main political parties of the US →↑the Republican Party … Dictionary of contemporary English
Democratic Party — noun a) Any of several political parties, worldwide, that have democratic principles b) The more liberal of two main political parties in the United States, see [ … Wiktionary
Democratic Party — See German Democratic Party … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
Democratic Party (Italy) — Democratic Party Partito Democratico Secretary Pier Luigi Bersani Deputy Secretary … Wikipedia